When I promote an idea to a new feature, the status of the idea changes to the first one in the workflow that equates to “in progress”. When I promote an idea the an existing feature, however, the status does not change. I think promoting to an existing feature should drive idea status in parity with how it drives idea status when promoting to a new feature.
Are there any plans to address this? I see this has been out here for 8 years and has many votes.
I agree with the comments below. This causes a lot of churn, extra manual steps and confusion for submitters when the idea status is not updated properly. Too much room for error, especially when there are 1000s of ideas.
I too expected Aha to update the Idea status on progression of the linked record. Perhaps a simple tick box to choose to update the record (or not) when creating the link?
Admin Response says "This is done intentionally to provide a way to bypass the automatic idea status update that happens when an idea is promoted. "
so, WHY is that? what is the purpose of that intention?
why do we have to update the status of an idea after promotion to an "existing" Feature "manually"?
Why isn't it the intention to have a more user-friendly and consistent behavior as when promoting an idea to a "new" Feature, which is setting the idea status to the first value in the status workflow with category "in progress"?
We would appreciate this change as well. When our colleagues post ideas for which we already have features, we promote the ideas to the existing features but have to manually keep them in sync when the status of the feature changes.
I would appreciate it if you would reconsider this approach. It would be great if this were a setting we could control. In our case we don't promote an idea to a feature parking lot so we would want our users to know the status along with the release details.
Apologies. I can see why there was confusion with my initial response. This will bypass the automatic status update on promotion. A good example of when this is useful is if you want to promote an idea to a feature to be explored, but you are not quite ready to broadcast a status change update to all subscribers. Promoting to an existing idea will allow you to do so, while keeping the idea status as is at the initial point of promoting it.
Seems like a disconnect. You say "This is done intentionally to provide a way to [BYPASS] the automatic idea status update". Yet, there is -- based on your last response -- automatic idea status update when the feature status changes. It does seem like the initial promotion to adhere to the rules consistently. Thanks for reconsidering. (Note: This doesn't happen very often so it's not a show-stopper for me.)
Hi there. The admin response applies to the initial step of promoting the idea. After that, updates to the feature will update the idea as described in this article.
So how does AHA propose that we update the ideas and assure that as they move through Automatically in the feature side they are getting updated?
This would help save time from having to go back and manually update the ideas that relate to this existing feature. The system should update any ideas regardless of how they are connected to the feature. Please consider this one.