As an account/ billing admin, I would like the ability to bulk edit users so that I can effectively manage spend in a timely manner.
1)ability to change the permissions for multiple paid seat users at once via the bulk edit functionality (for all products which they currently have contributor or product owner access) to downgrade selected users to reviewer or viewer, but not change anything else (what product(s) they are currently assigned).
2) Ability to delete multiple users at once
It is now possible to edit existing users via CSV import. From Settings -> Users, click the More options button then Export users. You can then edit the permissions in the CSV file and import the updated file. This will update each user's permissions accordingly.
We are unlikely to implement the second part of this idea (bulk deleting users) due to the risk of accidental deletion.
No worries re bulk edit deletion, however when manually deleting it would be great if you could fix the issue where the screen goes back to page 1.