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Initiatives layout to function like Features Layout

New Idea –Initiatives layout to function like Features layout. Current initiatives are not providing value to our business partners. They would like this view. The current view (2X2) grid is not useful for the team. Can it appear like the features layout as a standard view?

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    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Aug 1, 2018

      Hi there. Since there were a couple different ideas included on this thread we decided to keep it set to shipped. A new idea was created today from one of the comments above that specifies more of a board view for initiatives. Please take a moment to vote or subscribe to that idea for updates: 

    • Julia Doyle
      Aug 1, 2018

      It is not really accurate to say that this idea has shipped... what has been implemented is not what the original request was asking for. The new initiatives view is not much more useful than the old one was. 

    • David Marble
      Jul 31, 2018

      Definitely looking for some changes to the Initiatives view. As soon as the initiative count goes beyond a very low threshold, the screen becomes quite useless due to the lack of filters. I can see two needs here:

      1. Add some filters - Ideal would be similar filtering functionality to Features. Give us everything. Too hard to pick a limited set of off-the-shelf options that would meet everyone's needs outside of Status and Timeframe. 
      2. Consider other ways of presenting initiative information. Columns with drag and drop would be very nice, similar to functionality many companies are adding to Kanban-style boards. Ideal would be to support selecting the field used for columns, and update that field as cards are dragged/dropped between columns. I'd love this on the features view as well (as an option to switch from release-based view to any other field-as-column, or at least the standard fields, such as status, etc)
    • Mike Jacobson
      Mar 29, 2018

      Hopefully, my explanation will show how Product Owners would like to switch the Initiatives view from the A) Chart in the center of the screen to a B) Detail View of  the Initiative in the center of the screen.

      Issue: Product Owners currently see the stacked cards on the left side of the 'Initiatives' screen and the [Value/Effort] Chart in the center of the screen. Clicking a single card from the left results in the Initiative window sliding in from the right side of the screen.

      Ask: Product Owners would like the option to switch the view in the center of the screen where they see the Initiative *'Details" [versus the 2X2 chart].

      *This would be the same as the 'Features - Details Menu' screen which shows a list of Feature cards in the left navigation bar and the details of the selected card in the center of the screen.

    • Guest
      Mar 28, 2018

      Austin, I'm not sure what OP thinks, but my team would like to have timeframe as the columns. I agree that we can use pivot reports (and we do), but I also agree that the default view of the initiatives is not useful. We would also like to see which sub-initiatives are linked to the initiative. 

      An alternative way to do this would be to allow us to make a report that would show up on the initiatives layout. That way companies could customize the view.   

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Mar 28, 2018

      Thank you for your idea. One way to accomplish this now would be to use a custom pivot table to organize your initiatives into rows and columns. I am curious about how you would use a view like this. The features board is laid out in columns that represent releases which does not seem right for initiatives (since they would typically span many releases.) What would you see as the right column grouping based on the way you are using initiatives?

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