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Bottom Section for Initiative Custom Layout

It would be great to have a 'bottom section' for the custom layout of initiatives like is available for Features.  Currently any custom fields appear above the initiative description which feels disjointed in the 'glance' view for initiatives.  Having a bottom section would allow me to put custom fields there so the description would appear above them.

    Sep 30, 2020

    Thanks for the idea!

    The drawers and details page design has been improved to make it easier to find and manage your information. All of your fields are now managed in your Overview tab, which you can manage from your custom layout.

    You can access your custom layout from account settings > Custom layouts or directly from a record. Click on your initiative's [...] menu and select Create/Edit custom layout. You can re-order, set visibility, and remove fields, as well as re-order your tabs.

    Learn more

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