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Categories Strategy
Created by David Marble
Created on Aug 1, 2018

Initiative view filters and/or columns

As the initiative count goes up, the Strategy -> Initiatives screen becomes less and less useful due to the lack of filters. I see two improvements that would make this feature much more useful to customers that do significant planning (which reports views do not help with):

  1. Add some filters - Ideal would be similar filtering functionality to Features. Give us everything. Too hard to pick a limited set of off-the-shelf options that would meet everyone's needs outside of Status and Timeframe. 
  2. Consider other ways of presenting initiative information. Columns with drag and drop would be very nice, similar to functionality many companies are adding to planning tools. Ideal would be to support selecting a field which provides the value columns would be based on (e.g. Status, Timeframe, a custom field) and update that field as cards are dragged/dropped between columns. We'd love this on the features view as well (as an option to switch from release-based view to any other field-as-column, or at least the standard fields, such as status, etc)
    Jan 26, 2024

    We have added enhanced sorting and filtering options for goals and initiative details pages.

    • You can now filter by any data point connected to goals or initiatives

    • You can also sort your initiatives by Name, Rank, Status, or Timeframe

    Additionally, we've made it possible to customize your goal and initiative cards and added support for expanded and collapsed views.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Aug 5, 2021

    I'm new to Aha, joining a stuffy project with about 40 initiatives. I tried to get some order by assigning owners and colors to that but now, after all that work, joke is on me, because the initiatives seem to only have two filters (status and time). This thread suggests there is no way to configure the filter criteria to make this more useful?!!

  • Guest
    Jan 15, 2020

    Without this feature the strategy/initiative view is indeed pretty useless. And since the only way to modify Initiative Value/ Initiative Effort is through that view, it forces us to create custom fields for Effort / Value and reimplement the wheel...

  • Guest
    Apr 9, 2019

    Even for our use cases it will be super useful

  • Guest
    Dec 7, 2018

    We also have a lot of initiatives which means that additional filters would make the list/details view and particularly the chart view more usable. The workaround is using a report with custom filters for a list view.

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2018

    We would also like to see this ability implemented for the goals screen so that we can filter by our custom fields, such as product owner.


Add filters to Initiatives/Epics Chart

As a user, I want to be able to filter initiatives charts (under the strategy tab) so that I can see sub-sets of initiatives to allow me to more accurately chart large sets of initiatives. For example, I'd like to filter initiatives by goal.
Guest about 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped