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Categories Strategy
Created by Zvika Moretzky
Created on Dec 7, 2017

Improve Initiatives page

Most of my work starts by creating initiatives using the Strategy/Initiatives page. Unfortunately, I find this page not very user-friendly. First, I manage a long list of initiatives, from which I can see only the top 7-8 at first glance and without much of the required details.

The Value-Effort chart on the right is nice, but it takes a lot of space and too difficult to manage. You drag something but you cannot accurately place it on the chart and there’s no undo. With just a handful of initiative it becomes completely clattered. Also the resulting value and effort properties contain rather meaningless numbers and cannot be used elsewhere.

Either improve the chart – e.g., add grid lines and allow editing the underlying value and effort properties to accurately set their values – and/or allow replacing it with a simpler yet more useful tabular view of initiatives.

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  • Guest
    Jul 28, 2023

    This issue with the Value-Effort chart is 6 years old? Either fix it, or remove the functionality. As it stands, it is frustratingly unusable.


Customize the strategic initatives dashboard

It would be great to be able to change the view of the strategic initiatives dashboard under Strategy --> Initiatives. We can customize the scorecard by following this page:
Tim Bouhour about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped