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Categories Strategy
Created by Brooke Huling
Created on Sep 10, 2015

Add sorting and grouping to the goals and initiatives pages

We have a lot of initiatives as we build a new product from the ground up.  Our goals and initiatives pages are getting out of hand.  More grouping, hiding and sorting capabilities are needed.

    Jan 26, 2024

    We have added enhanced sorting and filtering options for goals and initiative details pages.

    • You can now filter by any data point connected to goals or initiatives

    • You can also sort your initiatives by Name, Rank, Status, or Timeframe

    Additionally, we've made it possible to customize your goal and initiative cards and added support for expanded and collapsed views.

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  • Venky N
    Oct 12, 2019

    Would recommend adding a couple of fields to Initiative - for example an Assignee; more choices for status.  Then provide options to view the initiatives by all these attributes.  
    I guess you can present a "workflow" view mode for Initiatives as well.  You already have this for Master Features and Features... perhaps you can enable the same for initiatives.
    The Features also has a quick "List" view right there in the Features module.  Can you enable a "list" mode while viewing initiatives?  It takes several clicks to go to a list report; having the List View right there in the Initiatives module would be pretty handy so I can sort by different fields like Initiative name, Assignee, Status

  • Dominica Meyer
    May 20, 2019

    Need to sort initiatives lists by scorecard

  • Ed Henderson
    Nov 13, 2017

    I currently hand-sort the goals.. it would be great to be able to sort by a custom field, i.e. a priority field or rank/scorecard. This way higher ranked goals show up first.

  • Jonathon Leeke
    Oct 12, 2015

    I agree, we have 50+ initiatives now as we are in the midst of 2016 planning.  It would be nice to have some grouping of them.  An Initiative Board (similar to feature board) would be a nice visual.  We have already created a custom field for "Initiative Category" for higher order initiatives or groups.  If those categories were instead like parking lots for features, that would be great.  It would save us a field and give a better visual.

  • +1

Goal - Sort by Initiative Start/End Date

Within a goal, we are looking to sort the linked initiatives by start date/end date to quickly determine a timeline when the goal can be completed.
Blake Falanga over 1 year ago in Strategy 1 Shipped