Put current product at top when choosing initiative or goal for a feature
The initiatives drop-down contains initiatives from all products, sorted alphabetically. I think the initiatives from current product should appear in the menu first.
Would love to sort by initiatives in Features/Board just like I do from Features/Detail. Also, score could be like this. Would love for this to stick since my last choice, like it does for Features/Detail.
Features are typically mapped directly to Initiatives within the same Product. It seems that it would be less frequent that you map outside of that Product or Product Line. Yet when you try to do the mapping it shows all of the Initiatives across ...
Jakob Leonard
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Product's options first in drop-downs
When picking a goal, initiative, release, epic, etc. to associate a record to, the relevant options for the product you're working in should be at the top.
For example, I have access as a reviewer for the entire portfolio. When I want to add exis...
over 6 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Would love to sort by initiatives in Features/Board just like I do from Features/Detail. Also, score could be like this. Would love for this to stick since my last choice, like it does for Features/Detail.
Totally agree, this form is very frustrating! I posted a similar idea...you may want to merge these together...
I would like to just be able to filter the other product initiatives out as well.