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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-16057 Make it easier to identify the correct Goals and Initiatives when setting in downstream records.

Limit initiatives to those within my product

When linking a feature to an initiative, after selecting Existing initiative, I use the drop-down to choose an initiative and see ALL product initiatives.  Guess where my product the bottom!  So, I have to recall my initiative names and search for them, or scroll down A LOT to find my product.

Can you give some priority to show my product's initiatives first in the list?  Or have a filter that only shows mine?  It's very rare that a product would even be linking their feature to an initiative from another product.

  • Steven Pecchio
    May 25, 2022

    I find a number of our Product Managers select an initiative for another product because it looks similar to the one they are looking for. This needs to be made configurable ASAP. When creating a feature or an Epic the initiative choices should be initiatives in the current workspace or ones that it rolls up to in the product hierarchy.

  • sally danby
    Aug 12, 2021

    Since this is so difficult, as a workaround I have to include the Product Name & year in all the initiative names which makes them more complex than they need to be

  • David Burrows
    Aug 10, 2021

    Agree that this would be extremely useful, whether a manual filter or an automatic control to only see the initiatives which users have workspace permissions for, this would save a huge amount of time. This should be applied wherever an initiative is searched for, and could also benefit from being applied to other areas like goals.

  • charles bagnall
    Aug 10, 2021

    Totally agree. This is a complete pain for me, especially picking Initiatives to link to link to Features which is a very common task, but in other places too. I work for a large company with many products so I have to scroll through THOUSANDS of initiatives to find mine., and because software development has common themes (integration, module, user friendly) etc useful search terms are hard to come by. What about limiting the list to products I have Editor privileges for? Or putting the workspace I am coming from at the top?

  • Laura Owusu-Antwi
    Nov 16, 2020

    Completely agree with this and it would make standardization easier. I am trying to create standard layouts with fields, and when the user has to pick from so many choices, they just want their own field, which breaks my standard approach.

  • James Love
    Apr 17, 2020

    Yes please! But consider putting it in place for all system records like this.

    • Initiatives

    • Goals

    • Master Features

    A similar concept is already in place on fields such as "Roll up to Parent Line Initiative" where it shows the initatives in parent lines and not all products. Building on this concept to also show the current product in the above fields would make much more sense.

    What is the use case for showing all? When would a user link a record in one product to an Initiative or similar to an unrelated product? It makes such little sense and would surely be an edge case rather than the norm.

    As a "workaround fix" sorting the field options to display the current product first would at least improve the user experience but this could be extended later to allow configuration or filtering of scope.

  • Guest
    May 3, 2019

    Agree, this would also be useful for Goals.

  • Matt Shapiro
    Apr 24, 2017

    Any updates on this? It's not blocking anything but it would be a huge time-saver.

  • Guest
    May 4, 2016


  • +1

Selecting a Hill to link should default to the hills associated with the offering/grouup

Right now the hills list with linking a feature/epics idsplay every hill for every applicaiton in the set. Our list is HUGE. Why would it not default to the hills associated with the offering?
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration