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User should get an email when an idea is assigned to them

When you have an idea portal and assign default assignee to the ideas submitted for a product, the user should receive email notification of the new idea submission. This way it is easy for the user to keep track of newly submitted ideas. The current workaround is to use Slack notifications.

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    • Leanne Miller
      Apr 25, 2024

      I agree that this functionality does not exist. I need to be able to force sending an email to the default Idea assignee for a workspace and I cannot do that now. I cannot rely on the individual PMs to setup their own notifications for this, on top of the fact that I have over 50 workspaces and cannot individually manage automation rules at the workspace level to do this. I need to be able to create an Automation rule in the workspace template to notify the defaul assignee of events.

    • CJ Jacobs
      Dec 10, 2020

      This feature does not currently exist. I don't want to have to actively go in to the portal to find which records I need to watch - I want to be able to automatically receive a notification when an Idea hits the portal against a particular product area.

      For our product managers who are receiving ideas from stakeholders, we would like the ability to send email notifications or a weekly digest of new ideas hitting a particular product area in the portal, so that ideas aren't missed, as measured by reduction in response time back to the idea submitter after an idea is submitted.

    • Guest
      Mar 14, 2019

      This is not currently possible so I'm not sure why the Idea is set to shipped. When an Idea is created and assigned to someone via default settings, my PMs are NOT getting a notification. This is basic functionality in other ticketing systems & very critical to Ideas being answered in a timely manner. They shouldn't have to watch a page if they are already assigned to the ticket. 

    • Dave Tucker
      Oct 9, 2017

      Thanks Austin – I’ve done that now



    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Oct 9, 2017

      Hi Dave, thank you for reaching out. We have updated the status. In the meantime, the last part of the response above is accurate. You can add yourself as a watcher to the Ideas -> Overview page for any product that you have access to and receive notifications for each new idea that is created. Thanks!

    • Dave Tucker
      Oct 9, 2017

      The status is incorrect and this feature doesn't already exist. I raised a ticket with Aha support and got this response from support. To me this is an essential feature

      "I ran a similar test this morning and I too was waiting for the notification to come though. Double checking with a colleague this afternoon indicated that I was mistaken.

      I was sure that the default idea assignee would receive a notification of an idea being submitted but they do not. Neither do they receive a notification when a comment is made on the idea in the portal. It transpires that setting the "default idea assignee" literally assigns the idea to a default user and nothing more.

      The good news is that notifications are still possible but you need to explicitly add yourself (and any other interested users) as a watcher to the Ideas -> Overview page. You will then receive notifications for any idea related event including new idea submissions and comments."