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Comments posted by users who are admins

I'm a Product Owner but I'm also the admin of our Aha account.  When I post a comment, I'm doing so as the Product Owner, but the users of the idea portal see the comment as coming from ADMIN.  To improve credibility and consistency, I would rather my name or PO role be displayed to idea portal users instead of ADMIN.

    Sep 6, 2024

    There have been a few updates in this area since this idea was posted. You can now customize the text shown for "Admin" in the portal terminology settings. You can also configure the portal as not anonymous if you want to show the user's name instead of "guest." If there is anything else you need in this area, please submit a new idea and let us know!

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    • John Tilling
      Apr 27, 2022

      Previously with RFEs and Developerworks, if I published a comment from EWM it would be shown in DeveloperWorks as coming from IBM_Development. That would be my preference.

    • Carmelita Ruvalcaba
      Mar 11, 2022

      This problem is not only for an Admin or Product Owner.

      As currently configured, the users of the IBM Ideas portals cannot see who submitted an Idea, nor who posted a comment in an Idea -- both the Submitter and the Commenter are identified as “Guest” -- this makes it hard to follow a conversation when another client is trying to decide whether to vote/comment on an Idea.

      Handles for Submitters and Commenters are indeed valuable function from the predecessor RFE tool that would be considered a take-away, at least for a number of IBM clients. Because some IBM products have very active community following, certain folks are well-known and their Comments carry more weight among the Community than even IBM Comments at times. They sometimes carry on conversations in an RFE that help articulate better the value or use case. It is also important to know when a Comment is posted by an IBMer.

      Here is a link to more information which includes an example:

      Although ideally folks would be identified by name, a compromise solution would be to identify the one who submitted an Idea with the generic term “Submitter”. The first one to post a comment, who is not the Submitter, would be “Commenter #1”, and the next unique commenter would be “Commenter #2". If the Submitter posted a Comment, then their comment would be identified as “Submitter”. Any IBMers who post comments could be identified as “IBM #1", “IBM #2”, etc., or simply as “IBM”. Subsequent comments from the same commenter would use the same “Commenter number” as their previous comment(s). If any of these folks wanted to identify themselves to the community, they could put their name, or a handle such as our popular “tractor_boy” at the end of their Idea description or comment.