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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 29, 2016

Reviewer users and adding comments

Currently, there are 4 levels of users: Product Owner, Contributor, Reviewer, and Viewer. Specifically to the Reviewer level user, it was discovered that Reviewers are not able to add in a Portal Comment in Aha (from the Aha Product Portal) for Ideas. Reviewers can add Internal Comments, but not Portal Comments.

Reviewers should be able to add both types of Comments. I have attached an email thread with my use case and request.

    Sep 25, 2024

    Reviewers in Aha! are now allowed to add portal comments directly within Aha! Ideas. They are no longer required to go out to an ideas portal in order to add a portal comment.

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    • Kim Bremer
      Jun 27, 2024

      Regarding the above, if Reviewers should not be able to comment on Aha ideas, please find a way to send them a regular "portal" notification when they comment on or are tagged in an idea on the Portal. See Guest comment October 12, 2018 and my response. Here's our scenario laid out:
      - Employee 1 creates a new idea
      - Employee 2 (an Aha Reviewer) comments on the idea in the Portal
      - Our Ideas admin asks for feedback, "@Employee 2 please tell us more about that comment"
      - Employee 2 gets a notification from Aha about the tagged comment, with a link to the Aha idea (not portal idea)
      - Employee 2 clicks the link and ends up inside Aha unable to respond to the comment.
      We do not need (or really want) our Aha Reviewers in the Idea itself. But we can't use the ideas portal they way it's meant to be used, collaborating through comments with tagging, simply because the audience of our ideas portal ALSO happen to Aha Reviewer accounts.

    • Peter Meldrum
      Jan 21, 2021

      Agree with previous comments. An 'official' response can be added using the 'Add Admin' response under the ideas portal tab.

    • Victoria Morrella
      Sep 14, 2020

      Frustrating that I need to click into the Portal to make comments, when I can just make the comments within the idea. Extra steps doesn't help being effective

    • Guest
      Oct 12, 2018

      Completely agree with all the comments here. An additional frustration is that the links in the email notifications from the ideas portal point directly to the idea within AHA! When a user clicks "view comment" they get directed to the idea in AHA! and can't comment. They then have to scroll up, click "View in Portal" and then add a comment. Not intuitive at all. Too many steps here to promote collaboration throughout the business and causing a lot of frustration. 

      1 reply
    • Don Walsh
      Oct 11, 2018

      I echo the comments of an internal use case for the ideas portal.  For an internal ideas portal (basically a product review board), we have Product Owner users that are responsible for the ideas discussed, ranked and promoted to product teams in Aha.  Then there's a wider population of internal SME's that would view and comment based on their expertise to assist in prioritization.  Like other commenters, it's not feasible for all of the SME's to have PO accounts, nor would they ever make continued use of them.  They're "reviewers."  Then there's the total population of the company that will be Portal users only.  It's fine for the latter group to only comment publicly in the portal because that's the only interface they'll have.  The SME's have wider responsibilities however, and the experience for this in this use case isn't good.

    • Guest
      Oct 3, 2018

      I want to come back to this ticket as reviewers really should be able to comment directly in Aha instead of having to use the idea portal or private comments as a work around. Licenses are expensive and we've been pushing to assign people as reviewers as a cost saving method and were told they would be able to comment. If a user has reviewer rights, they should be able to leave a comment directly in Aha on the ticket-having to go to the idea portal for every comment they need to leave is not time efficient by any means, especially during our holiday season. 

    • Guest
      Apr 27, 2018

      I think you need to rethink this one and find a way to allow Reviewers to post Public comments from inside of Aha.  Only the Product Owner's Comments should be posted as an Admin response.  I could have numerous Aha users want to make comments on an Idea from inside of Aha and would NOT want them to display as the Admin Response.  I thought that was the whole point of the button to post an Admin response.  It's all very confusing and forcing our Aha users to bounce back and forth between the application and the portal to complete their Review process is completely unmanageable.  We have many groups who need access to do this only for Ideas, and to have to pay $1,800 a year just for them to be able to change an Idea status or add a Public Comment is crazy.

    • Guest
      Sep 7, 2017

      I agree with OP here.  "Reviewer - can comment throughout and respond to To-Dos. Can also create Ideas from within Aha!" is the documented permission on the site.  It doesn't make sense to force a Reviewer to go out to the Ideas portal to add a comment (either public or private).  They are also unable to add a Public comment if the Idea is indicated as not visible (I get that that doesn't make much sense anyway, but why not)?  Makes sense to set the "Admin" label based on user role, at time of submission, rather than by location of submission.

    • Guest
      Aug 14, 2017

      I don't get the official responses.

      Sure, you don't want reviewer comments to show up as "Admin" in the ideas portal. Fair enough. But why not simply show them without the "Admin" label in the ideas portal? So whenever a public comment is added via aha by a collaborator/PO (aka "admin") it'll show up as admin, and whenever it's added by a reviewer, it won't be shown as an admin...

      The current situation is a weird mess where I need to ask fellow Aha users to comment in the ideas portal itself instead of within aha, just so that other people will be able to see their responses. This makes life pretty difficult.

    • Guest
      Mar 24, 2017

      In our case, our idea's portal is used by internal people only - while I get the point of why reviewers in some situations should not be able to comment "publicly" for some uses of Aha!, in our case we really do want everyone's comments to be visible to the entire company to encourage collaboration and shared understanding. We have a very open environment and we want our tools to reflect that.

      Having a configuration point in Aha! to allow this type of thing (i.e. give reviewers more permissions than the default) would certainly make Aha! easier to use and more valuable for our organization.

    • David McLean
      Feb 2, 2017

      I have selected reviewers who have access to the ideas portal. When they comment on the ideas portal the comments appear as Public comments inside Aha!

    • Kenny Johnston
      Nov 7, 2016

      After exchanging emails with the support team I was encouraged to contribute to this idea.

      Reviewers are currently unable to change an idea’s status, visibility in the portal, score ideas, or even post public comments without navigating over to the idea portal (as this idea describes).

      It seems like there is a missing level here because a Reviewer really can’t review the ideas in a meaningful way, or even move them past the Pending Review state (so there is a nomenclature breakdown as well).

      We have 8 people that desire to work as reviewers, with a process around reviewing ideas (they don't need access to features, releases or anything up from there), but we would currently have to upgrade them to Premium level to make them Contributors with access to much more than they need - and at a steep price for the amount of the app they're desiring to use.

      While this idea addresses one aspect of what it takes to review ideas (public commenting), it's critical that a person/team reviewing ideas be able to move those ideas between states as well. Ideally, they would be able to harness the scorecard and provide an admin response as well and I can understand if these need to be paid for features (but they don't need to be full rate at the highest tier).

    • Guest
      Aug 29, 2016

      Ah, good point. Thanks Chris for removing. I forget that the idea is visible by others.


    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Aug 29, 2016

      Kenneth I removed the attachment because it might disclose some unnecessary information (like your email address). I think your request description is self-explanatory without the attachment.