We would like to be able to hide the vote count from certain users that login to our Ideas portal. In this case, our customers specifically. Having Ideas with visible a large number of votes creates pressure to implement from clients that we would rather not have.
There is a simple workaround you can use to hide the vote control.
In the idea portal settings, on the Portal branding tab you can enter the custom following CSS. This will hide the voting control and the list of the voters from the portal.
.idea-endorsement {
display: none;
.idea-content .nav-tabs > li:nth-child(2) {
display: none;
While it is certainly possible to do this via custom .css, a feature that allowed an admin to click a checkbox such as:
[x] Show Vote Count
would be so much faster, easier and less prone to error.
And it looks like if you just wanted to hide the vote count, you could do this:
.vote-count.voted {
display: none;
This CSS alone couldn't support different permission levels.
However you could create two portals - one for customers and one for employees - and style them differently.
Would this be customizable depending on the login level? For example, if a portal had a level for customers and a level for employees. We want the employees to be able to see the vote count, but not the customers.