We are a large organization with many users. We would like to share Aha! with interested individuals and that number could be hundreds or thousands. In order to alleviate that, the recommendation is to allow a self registration process that would allow uses to enter their name, email and select the products to which they need access. This would then trigger an email to the administrator of that product to review the access request and grant or deny as appropriate. It should also allow the administrator to grant higher access to that individual as needed. Once the user is granted access, they will receive login instructions via email.
Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time. It is currently possible to add users via SSO -- including the ability to grant these users with specific workspace access. We hope that helps!
This is really required. It is very tedious job to keep inviting members using forms.
Very good Idea!
This would be helpful - we'd like to be able to direct our customers to the portal to self-register, but we'd like that registration to go through an approval internally before they're given access. So they'd sign up, the system would trigger some notification to our internal Aha management team, and they'd approve the user. Somewhat a hybrid between the Public and Private configuration.
Agree with this. Right now we have to have another process that relies on word of mouth and emails. Many users today are able to self register to Aha domain...but they aren't able to request access to the products. So close!
We need this as well, right now we are adding all of our customer's email domains into the configuration so that they can self-register as employee/partners. It's not ideal.
This would be very helpful for our large organization too.
That would be helpful, Cheryl.