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Collect User and Buyer Interviews

Collect feedback from user/ buyer interview's that impacts features or product line, so you can link it? this will add emotional experience into product a bit more.

    Dec 30, 2015

    This can be achieved through the use of custom fields. Note that this can also be done through the Product -> Notes section of the application.

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    • Ron Yang
      Jun 30, 2016

      Hi Dan - This request would be a perfect use case for a new feature that we just launched yesterday. It's called Custom Tables and is available for our Enterprise+ customers. It allows you to completely customize and extend the Aha! data model so that you can capture information unique and important to your organization. 

      It would allow you to record all of your user discussions (with key information to categorize them), and allow you to link them to your existing product data in Aha!

      You can read more about it here: 

    • Guest
      Jun 30, 2016

      While this can be achieved through the current systems I feel like there's a lot more functionality that could be offered to help track, reference, and discover issues in user feedback.

      I'd like to be able to record all my user discussions, tag or categorise them somehow, and finally link to ideas / features. This would let me see trends in feedback I may otherwise miss, add a real user feedback weight to ideas (e.g. "This idea has been mentioned 100 times"), and have a historical record of feedback to reference when working on new future features. 

      See ProdBoard for a really nice implementation of this, which I would love to see in Aha.