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Ideas 2x2 chart: Scorecard with multiple metrics summed to make up x and y axis

I have begun using the idea chart in AHA to map the value/effort of our ideas but I had wanted to take it a little further and have a number of criteria in our score card which added up to a total value figure, which may then be displayed as one axis on the idea chart and then have a separate total effort figure used as the alternative axis which is made up of a number of criteria.

For Example:

-Alignment to strategic fit
-Benefit to end users
-Data quality improvement
All being metrics on my score card but adding up to a total value which may then be displayed on one of the axis of my idea chart.

On the other axis I'd want total effort made up of another set of 3 metrics.
    Jan 15, 2016

    We can understand the desire for additional functionality in this area. That said, based on current priorities and feedback from the community, we do not currently have plans to make revisions specific to this request. We hope you can understand.

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    • Chris Stearns
      Mar 2, 2020

      I've recently been asked to implement something similar to score the Ideas being logged. I can't build the 2x2 chart to represent the more complex calculation for each axis that we need to be useful when evaluating those Ideas we want to promote.

    • Faith Peterson
      Jan 17, 2017

      I hope Aha! will reconsider. I just made a custom scorecard for the sole purpose of using an 8-point scale for impact and effort rather than the default 100-point scale. Dragging an idea onto the quadrant chart does set the Aha! score if I use the default scorecard, but does not do it if I use my custom scorecard. Also, if I set the impact and effort using the sliders, the chart doesn't use the Aha! score to position the idea. I'm confused at why this functionality is seen as optional.

    • Matt Vlasach
      Nov 7, 2016

      I too am a little confused by this one.  Visualizing features on a chart is enormously valuable to help with prioritization. 

      However, it is awkward that the chart uses metrics of a scorecard as opposed to the calculated results of two scorecards to determine the location on a chart.  

      I suppose the chart works if your scorecard equation is very simple (Impact vs Effort), however we have found that simplifying the scorecard to something based upon those two metrics alone are simply not quantitative enough.

      It would be great to be able to plot the results of two idea score cards on the chart for visualization, enabling me to have more customized visualization of priorities.

    • Guest
      Sep 26, 2016

      I agree with the comments already stated, could not have said it better myself.

    • Jason Dodd
      Aug 15, 2016

      The Ideas chart and the ability to create custom scorecards are two of the most valuable tools within the Aha platform. It's a shame that when I decide to take advantage of one cool feature, I render the other useless. There are a lot of factors that go into determining Impact and Effort - that's the reason for custom scorecards in the first place - why not look for ways to let the results from a custom scorecard show on the Ideas Chart? Implementation might be as simple as creating two new equation input boxes on the Create Scorecard screen, one box for the calculation of Impact, the other for the calculation of Effort. Let the user decide how these two things are calculated. Expose these two calculated variables on the Ideas Chart screen and voila!

    • Guest
      Feb 23, 2016

      I find it akward that Aha supports metrics and score cards, but then reverts to manual positioning on charts for visualization. Other tools allow to use numeric values for value and effort to create a chart. 

      Although it is nice that Aha supports custom score cards, it should be possible to use (metrics of) the scorecard to construct those plots. As long as this is not supported, I will still find myself reverting to excel to make the corresponding plots.

    • Guest
      Sep 16, 2015

      This would be an excellent additional feature to the tool.