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Adding 'select all' functionality when creating new users

When adding a new user to an instance, if there are several product lines and several products in each line, it can become tedious to update each users' permissions one bubble at a time.

Requested functionality:
1 - add a Select All 'bubble' at the top so I can immediately make the user a (Product Owner/Contributor/Viewer/etc) across the board
2 - If I add the user as a 'Contributor' to a given Product Line, then the children Product 'bubbles' should automatically update to the contributor level (#2 has been shipped)

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    • Admin
      Jeremy Geros
      Sep 8, 2015

      Hi Joe

      You can double click on the column headers to select all permissions for the correct level.

    • Suzanne Vaughan
      Sep 6, 2015

      That's what I thought -- I'm going to strike through the second one with a note that it's been shipped and leave the first one there. Thanks for clarifying.

    • Joe Carpenter
      Sep 4, 2015

      YES!  Yesterday's code update addressed #2 above, but not #1.

      #1 is for use when let's say I have a dozen product lines and I need to add a brand new person as a contributor to 11 of them.  It would be great to have an option to 'Select All' at the very top of each column then I would simply deselect the 1 product line that doesn't apply.

    • Suzanne Vaughan
      Sep 4, 2015

      Hi Joe -- did our change yesterday resolve all of your needs? Can you let us know?