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Way to hide merged ideas

If I merge two ideas, the merged idea needs to not show up in my ideas lists. At least give me a filter option to hide those.

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    • Susan Parker
      Jan 11, 2020

      I was surprised to find out about this change, and I would greatly prefer the filter that was suggested originally.  The use case coming from my customers is that they saw an Idea that someone else submitted, maybe they even voted on it -- and now they are trying to locate it again.

      It appears that the My Ideas, My Votes and My Subscription filters only display the parent Idea. If there was something unique in the wording of the child Idea they are looking for, they will have to dig through the merges.

      I do all the initial triage on our site that contains a few thousand ideas. I'm probably rather aggressive on my merging so that we have nice, neat "families" of Ideas for our Product Managers on the full Aha side. However, I may have to re-think my merging strategy if users are unable to locate Ideas that may have some unique variations that they want to recall.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Aug 1, 2017

      Hi Martin, merged ideas will maintain their visibility by default. However, they will be hidden from searches within the portal so there is no need to manually change their visibility. Keeping them visible allows the user who submitted the idea to view it through the My ideas page. We implemented this based on Thomas's feedback above. Thanks!

    • Guest
      Jul 31, 2017

      Was this function stripped from the product? This appears to no longer be possible without manually (and individually) marking merged ideas as not shown in-portal.

    • Guest
      Feb 11, 2016

      A filter option could have been useful. However, just hiding the merged ideas altogether does not seem like a great choice:

      • If all merged ideas are hidden, how can one report on all ideas submitted by a given customer / user? It is very important to be able to give customers insight in the status of all their requests.
      • In the ideas portal, hiding all merged ideas also would have the adverse effect that users can no longer find back their own ideas after they have been merged.