Say that you have Idea A and Idea B. You then merge Idea B into Idea A. It would be very nice if the tags, categories, and products of Idea A where applied to Idea B automatically. Some potential solutions I thought of were to have a button on the pop up box when merging ideas, or there could also be a button in setting next to where you decide the visibility.
I know that this seems very small, and it is, but it would be so helpful and nice. The would be so useful when categorizing any ideas and would be great for when a company wants to update a portal that has been neglected for a little while. It would be used specifically when using the filter to see ideas that have no tags.
Thank you for the consideration and listening to my ideas.
It would also be nice the tags, categories, and products of Idea B where also applied to Idea A (Parent Idea) automatically. This would be for any type of multiple value fields such as Tags, Products, Customer Custom Fields, & Categories.