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Limit the content from some elements in a notebook

When adding bits such as Features to a notebook, often times there is a lot more info in the notebook than I would like.  If the notebook is going to be seen by an executive, for example, I don't want to get questions about what a "watcher" or a "tag" is.  And I don't want to have requirements that don't have descriptions to show that they don't have descriptions - just show a list of the requirements.

I just want to have better control over what is included in the notebook within each page that is added to the notebook.

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    • Donald Hasson
      Jul 14, 2017

      Also, just to give some other solution concepts to try to convey my thinking better; the best parallel I see right now is how customizable the feature cards are. Literally drag and drop nearly any data object (except custom fields but that's a discussion for another idea). I envisioned some combination of notes with some decent formatting and custom features cards enabling us to put constant text and variable text on public, live pages however we want. Hope that helps. Love what you guys are doing with this great product!

    • Donald Hasson
      Jul 14, 2017

      Amy suggested I bring this comment over here since what I'm wanting at the core of it is more fitting for this idea:


      Thanks for the question Chris. To answer your question about replacing a requirements doc, sort of. The idea I think is the same. But ours is more of a feature info sheet that we distribute to everyone internally once a feature is about to be released. So it's less for Dev since we'll be going thru the Jira integration. But it will have high level market requirements that follow the feature through so people understand what we were building, why, for whom, etc.

      Regarding the format; I hesitate to say it works perfectly as I saw it as the only option at this point to accomplish my goals of 1) keeping the data in Aha all the way through the process, 2) keeping the data live, and 3) allow that live, latest/greatest data to be viewed by anyone internally to avoid going back to stagnant PDFs. 

      I did comment/vote on several other related ideas that may give you a sense of at least how I was thinking about it (again based on what I currently see).

    • Donald Hasson
      Jun 30, 2017

      Agreed. And to respond to Suzanne's suggestion, list view is just not nearly as presentable. We have several key text fields that we use to share different info out to employees that need to know about upcoming features. So far, the feature view is the best formatting. But we're limited to only what we can adjust in the field layout which is just our added fields. I want to hide most other sort of "meta data" about the feature that most people outside of PM won't care about.

      You guys do some impressive customization throughout the product. In general, I can see the notebooks being incredibly powerful for PM use, and to share with TONS of people both internally and externally which has the nice side effect of promoting Aha more. It sure seems like you guys have all the pieces there and the approach that lends itself to really good notebook customization. 

    • Suzanne Vaughan
      Jul 7, 2015

      Have you tried using the Features List view to customize exactly what is shown? 

    • Guest
      Jun 27, 2015

      great idea