In our configuration, we have either Epics(Features) or Master features linked to a Goal. In a pivot report, we want to show all Epics and Master Features linked to the Goal in one column.
For the report, the primary record is the Goal and Epics and Master Features are the records linked to it. In the data model when we include both Features and Master Features in the cells, each Epic appear against every Master Feature in the same row as if they had a parent-child relationship. We want Master Features and Epics to appear in different rows if the Epics don't belong to the Master Features
As a product/program manager I want to show master features and features as well as their status in one column in one report so we can use this one report in our exec scrum.
Our use case is similar to the previous comment. In addition, Ideas can be promoted into either Epics or Features, and I would like to have a report of all Ideas and Epics / Features they were promoted to, as well as Release name and date for Epic / Feature. Currently, this is impossible, you can only get release info for one or the other.
I have a variant of this where i want to treat master features and features as "equivalent" - We roll up reporting across workspaces where some are using Master features, others are using features (and some are both) - would simplify reporting if we could have the report show "either". Today, we have to maintain a version for Master Feature and Feature (because we cant get them to make sense on a single report)
Any other solutions to this issue is also welcomed.
Thank you for the revised ideas Kanak L.
We're creating a very influential, very strategic Aha! report for our technology executives that will enable us to better manage emergent roadblocks. Please consider this enhancement as critical path to our success in being able to make the best use of this tool.
This enhancement will allow to provide our execs with a clear status of the work being done by our teams, without the wrong perception that epics and master features are related when they aren’t.
Thank you for considering this reporting enhancement – this enhancement or any other type of solution would be helpful for our weekly exec scrum where we look at all of the work that ladders up to the quarterly goals
This would be super useful of our exec reporting capability. Currently the two records types show up in difference columns and this creates a poor exec user experience for us. Its a difficult read of the data. I'd love to see a solution for this soon.