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Allow Report Filters by Master Release

I am running a pivot report across my products and releases, by Feature Type, summing the size of the cards.  Rather than selecting "Release 1, Product A" + "Release 1, Product B" + "Release 1, Product C" from the Release Filter, I want to just select "Master Release 1", of which the previous three examples are all sub-releases.  I *can* add the Master Release column to the Pivot report, but I *cannot* add Master Release as a Filter to the report.

I don't know that this would be an issue anywhere but on a report, as that's the only place I can view things across Products.

    Jun 25, 2018

    Thank you for your idea. This is currently possible using the Release name filter. Within this filter you will find your master releases under the product line that they are associated with. Once you have selected the master release, all sub-releases will be included by default.

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    • Ankar S
      Dec 18, 2019

      Hi there! This solution isn't the most intuitive and has poor UX. Many people expect to see 'Filter by Master Release' on the list next to 'Filter by Master Feature, Feature, Idea, Initiative, ETC. ETC (all the other records that exist in Aha!).

      Additionally, more often than not, users find themselves already filtered on a Product Line/Product that is underneath the Product Line that a Master Release lives in, thus, when filtering on Release Name, the Master Release Names do not show up. 

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Jun 26, 2018

      Hi Rick, the release name filter in your screenshot would be dynamically updated based on the products selected in the product name filter. If you select the product line containing your master release, you will see it as an option in the release name filter. Thanks!

    • Guest
      Jun 25, 2018

      I disagree. See attached screenshot. Master Releases do not show up in the Release Name dropdown list.


    2 MERGED

    Ability to filter by master release

    As a program manager, I want to be able to show a pivot report of all master features across products by release quarter filtered by master release, so that I can create a roadmap across products for that release, but I can't because I can't filte...
    Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists