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Categories Releases
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 29, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-6364 Allow Report Filters by Master Release.

Ability to filter by master release

As a program manager, I want to be able to show a pivot report of all master features across products by release quarter filtered by master release, so that I can create a roadmap across products for that release, but I can't because I can't filter by master release.

Product Line A with Master release MR-A
--> Product 1 with release R1 (subrelease of MR-A)
--> Product 2 with release R2 (subrelease of MR-A)

I want the report to filter by MR-A
and show master features by product (rows) and by quarter (columns) for the sub releases

Is there a way to do this? If not, please implement! Without it, master releases are useless.