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Ability to show all features, regardless of feature parent, in a pivot report.

We need to report the status on our Initiatives with the all features associated with the Initiative regardless of where the feature is linked (i.e. directly to the Initiative or to a Master Feature within the Initiative). Specifically, the report would provide the following:

  1. All active/approved Initiatives (column 1 and primary sort)
  2. The most recent comment on the Initiative (column 2)
  3. Master feature, if one exists or blank if it doesn't (column 3)
  4. A list of all features associated with the Initiative (regardless of parent) and listed under selected 'Release' columns (columns 4-6).

Today I have to build two pivot reports to get this information; one for Initiative-Features and a second for Initiatives-Master Feature-Feature.

This information in this report is used by both Management and product teams to quickly see the hihgh level status on the initiatives which are driving our product development. Gantt charts do not work for this as we loose visibility of the Initiative content and the timeline is not the objective of the status review.

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    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      May 28, 2020

      Hi there,

      There are a couple options for how you could accomplish what you are looking for:

      1. The new strategic roadmap allows you to expand initiatives to show the related features. You also have the ability to sort those features by rank.

      2. The hierarchy report will automatically sort features by rank within their initiatives.

      I hope this helps!

    • Victoria Morrella
      May 27, 2020

      When most of the planning starts with initiatives, it is important in conversations to show initiatives first and then show details of these initiatives as needed.

      It is easily achievable by showing a list of relevant initiatives, and when user clicks on initiative they see the initiative panel. Its just that there is no way to filter and sort features in that panel.

      There doesn't seem to be any other way to achieve this.

      Additionally, In absence of ranking in list view, there just doesn't seem to be a way to achieve an ordered set of features within an initiative.