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Add Grouping to List and Pivot Reports

When viewing child objects of features like requirements, to-do's, etc. it would be more visually pleasing and intuitive/useful to see all of the selected children grouped under their parent object. Rather than seeing the same feature name repeated over and over again as its own column, you could group by the parent and then reserve the list or table (in pivot) for the child object and its attributes. Example: I want to see all of the requirement names and corresponding descriptions in the table (Column 1 is Requirement Name, Column 2 is Requirement Description) but I still want them grouped by their parent Feature, so that is how it is grouped with Feature name not being it's own report header but instead the grouping header. This would allow for a more efficient, intuitive work experience. Basically, allow us to make reports that work the same as the Features section of My Work, but allows us to filter so we can determine which releases, assignees, etc we want to view in the report.

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