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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas portal
Created by Nicolas Andrillon
Created on Feb 10, 2023

Automation when a public comment is added

We have a workflow where newly created ideas are submitted in a 'New' status. If the idea is unclear we update the statis to 'Need More Information" and we expect the submitter to provide additional information through public comments on the idea portal.

At this state it becomes complicated for us to monitor if the idea has been commented.

We could potentially solve this by having a field 'last public comment by' and through a report monitor for ideas with status Need more information and where the last public comment by is the same as the submitter but what would be really great would be if we could build an automation that says: if the status is 'need more information' and a public comment is added then update the status to new.

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  • Debo Aderibigbe
    Jun 25, 2024

    This would be nice if we could actually update it to a status of our choosing via status flow control.

  • Musa R
    Feb 10, 2023

    Please also support this field in custom columns.