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Option to have Private Submit-Only Portal

For our workflow we need to have portal where customers:
- must first log-in to portal (log-in form or automatically redirected via SSO)
- access only submit form (don't see rest of the portal UI)
- submit only one idea per session (after successful submissions - thank you message without "submit new idea"; optional - automatic log-out, and/or redirect via SSO to origin location)
- email replies as comments to submitted idea (same behavior as it is now)

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    • Mario Kusnjer
      Jun 30, 2021

      Hi Kelly,

      Thank you for below suggestion. I will try it out and provide feedback once tested.

    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Jun 30, 2021

      We will close this idea as 'already exists.' If you would like, please submit an idea specifically for logging out a user after they submit an idea. Thank you!

    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Jun 28, 2021

      Thank you for the additional detail! Most of this is possible today:

      • Configure a submit-only portal to use SSO. When someone visits your portal, they will first see the SSO login page and must log in in order to see the idea submission form.

      • Use custom CSS to hide the 'Submit another idea' link on the 'Thank you' page

      • Enable the portal setting Email > General > Comments so that email replies will add comments to the ideas. This is on by default.

      I believe the only part of the experience we do not support today is the ability to force a logout after idea submission.

      Let us know if the above configuration works for you. If it does, then we can update this idea to track the remaining part - closing the user's session.

    • Mario Kusnjer
      Jun 28, 2021

      Hi Austin. We have a big number of customers but we cannot open the portal for everyone as we couldn't handle the volume of requests. For this reason we want to enable access only to registered customers through sort of pre-approval process through or support portal first.

      • Registered customers would first create support portal case logging in to our support portal.

      • Our support specialists would evaluate such case and classify it as feature request - idea.

      • At this point support specialist would enable access to private submit-only Aha! Ideas portal to this registered customer (submit form would be visible, and access credentials would be passed via SSO).

      • Registered customer would fill in the form and submit the idea.

      • Upon successful submit Aha! Ideas portal would close the SSO session and return to support portal (Aha! Ideas portal is not visible, not possible to create another idea under same session/case)

      • Registered customer received email confirmation of successful idea submission and can receive and send comments to idea via email reply.

      There could be alternative to this - Aha! Idea portal is visible to registered customer (via SSO) but "ADD IDEA" button is enabled only upon approval of support engineer, per support portal case (only one idea can be submitted at a time; view and commenting on already submitted idea is always enabled).

      In either case this would probably require some level of session token exchange between Aha! Ideas portal and our support portal (Salesforce Cases) to ensure that only one idea can be submitted per session/case.

      I hope this explains is better.


    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Jun 25, 2021

      Hi there, thank you for your idea! Can you share more about how you would use a portal like this? It is an interesting request and I'm really curious to understand more about your use case. Thanks!