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Ability to configure automated status logic

For almost all our workflows, a parent record's status is dictated or a reflection of it's child record's status - similar to how the progress of a parent record is an aggregate of it's child records and that functionality. I would like the abilit...
Michael F over 4 years ago in Application 4 Future consideration

Create an integration into Workfront

Our creative, content, and demand gen marketing teams use Workfront to manage their projects. An integration between Aha can help us pull information from Aha to use in projects in Workfront and align to specific product releases.
Guest over 7 years ago in Integrations 8 Unlikely to implement

Star Rating field

What is the challenge? I need a visual ranking system What is the impact? Easily see which are the best ideas for example Describe your idea Star rating systems have become universal and I have several use cases in mind where it would be helpful t...
Guest 2 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Tables within table

What is the challenge? Cannot create a table within a table What is the impact? It is more challenging to organize information with lots of complex levels Describe your idea Add the capability to create tables within tables
Daniela Iancu 2 months ago in Notes 2 Future consideration

Report on adoption of our standards and templates

We would like to know how much each product has adopted our standard processes, fields, and templates. Some of this can be done using pivot tables and calculated columns today, but it is challenging. We are currently taking screenshots or sharing ...
Kelly Sebes almost 5 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Add ability to set system wide automation rules

What is the challenge? I need to implement automation rules for the entire org for Ideas. What is the impact? I have 50 workspaces that need the same automation rule for Ideas. I cannot use the workspace template because we only require a unified ...
Leanne Miller 8 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Lucid Charts Integration

I use Lucid Charts currently and would like to be able to integrate them into my requirements flow.
Guest about 6 years ago in Wanted 9 Future consideration

Add the feature rank to the feature board scorecard

Add the feature rank to the feature board scorecard. That way we can sort based on the rank within the products we have setup.
Matt Pyke almost 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Epic filtering on Strategy Roadmaps

It would be really useful to be able to filter at the Epic level on the strategic roadmap. The current filters (i.e. release settings > show parking lot) only apply to the initiatives. For example, we have cases where items are in the parking l...
Max O. about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Ability to edit Idea Portal comments in a portal

Idea portal comments cannot be edited by their author. This functionality would be useful to prevent having to add an additional comment to make corrections/amendments.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 10 Future consideration