What is the challenge? Moving from a different KB source into Aha! Knowledge requires manual copying, pasting, and reformatting. How would you solve it? An import tool that accepts HTML or JSON would speed up this process. What impact would it mak...
Emily Yankush
10 months ago
in Knowledge base / Notes
Future consideration
We have number of various pages in our Ideas portal where we collect ideas from the rest of the company. In these pages, we aro also maintaining ideas report, FAQs and other Aha! dashboards that we are actively promoting within the company. It wou...
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
a similar set of features could easily have a common score profile and it would be nice to be able to bulk-score (bulk-edit) the score of a series of features to avoid having to enter the same stuff over and over.
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
We have recently implemented Custom Roles in our space that bumped the PO role to Contributor + Custom (eliminating the ability to add new product and granting paid seat access, etc - see attached) We would like the ability to change some of the t...
Marina Reyna
about 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Aha! contains some incredible reporting capabilities that allow anyone to quickly create and share reports associated with the development activities. This is incredibly convenient and helpful to share information in a transparent way and empower ...
Mark Slykhouse
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Display email address/email domain on Ideas Page Layout.
What is the challenge? Users cannot see the submitter's email address or domain on an Idea What is the impact? Users have to navigate through the idea to a report to see the information Describe your idea I would like to be able to add the submitt...
Leanne Miller
6 months ago
in Ideas
Already exists
What is the challenge? There are pages of automated updates to Aha Ideas and the user generated changes get lost. What is the impact? Can't see the user generated history since there is automation constantly updating scores on the Aha Idea Describ...
Mike Lamb
4 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
I created a whiteboard on a feature to do some ideation to develop the feature. I really like this function. Now I want to see all the whiteboards that are listed behind features. So even after I have shipped the feature, I still have easy access ...
4 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Reduce duplicate Rows in Reports: Aggregate/merge related data in a cell (in a pivot report or hierarchy report)
Overview - Reports contain multiple rows with instances of the Primary Record Type as soon as you add a column from a "Related Object" that has multiple values, making it hard to visually consume the data. Problem - In List Reports we see the valu...
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Workspace Owners who are not admins What impact would it make? Workspace owners who are trying to invite several users to their workspace--allowing them to import in bulk increases efficiency so they don't have to add these user...
Stephanie Lechner
about 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration