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Ability to add PO functions to a Custom Role

We have recently implemented Custom Roles in our space that bumped the PO role to Contributor + Custom (eliminating the ability to add new product and granting paid seat access, etc - see attached)

We would like the ability to change some of the traditional PO changes into this new role:

  • Add free seats only

  • Add the "Contributor + Custom Role" to the Info --> Users screen

  • Ability to add master features to the layout

  • View the history of the product line/products

  • Create folders

But we could not seem to configure it based on the PO description

  • Attach files
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    • Marina Reyna
      Feb 13, 2020

      I know I bulked a lot of items in this request, should I break them out separately ? 

    • Autumn Hatcher
      Feb 13, 2020

      renaming of work spaces

      additionally with regards to report folders, move add, edit

    • Christian Sanchez
      Nov 24, 2019

      Speaking for my entire business this change in permission could not have come at a worst time.  I was just about to build our product lines lines for all our products and then socialize the adoption of the tool.  Because of this change and it seems no means to get the permissions back, we will likely move on to other tools or create our own.  I feel like this decision was make without understanding the impacts to the end-user and speaking personality I can think of handful of ideas that could have solved the problem without making such a drastic change.  I've lost a lot of trust in the aha application.  

    • Dan Jeffery
      Nov 15, 2019

      Heavily support this! We are using Aha to the fullest extent and are putting potential sensitive information in the tool in relation to strategy and direction. In order for us to provide access to Sales and Pre-Sales to run their own reports and get customer views of roadmap/idea information we need custom views.

    • Vlad Spector
      Nov 13, 2019

      I would vote for this capability to be back +10 times! :) Very convenient and efficient to have that ability within the capability.

      Nov 13, 2019

      I know that I may be being selfish, but having those power user capabilities really made it possible to do the most with the tool. Being throttled like this takes away some of the core strengths that I leveraged often to get others to both adopt and really start to use the tool. 

    • Guest
      Nov 7, 2019

      This would restore an ability I use all the time. One major purpose of using AHA is so that anyone across the company can come and see my roadmap. Life is better if I can give them viewer access.

    • Guest
      Nov 5, 2019

      I cannot vote for some reason..  I would have voted for it, but cannot access votes