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Allow Attachments to be added in reports

If someone included an attachment as part of their idea, we would like to include that as part of our reports as a link to the attachment. On the idea portal, there is an ability attach files. However we can only view those files if we are looking...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Allow to define the scope of tags/choice list custom field values (account vs. workspace)

It should be possible to define whether the values of choice list and tags custom fields (predefined or editable) are shared at account level (current behavior) or limited to workspace level such that workspaces can share a configuration but have ...
Thierry Loones almost 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow bulk-edit of Scorecards

a similar set of features could easily have a common score profile and it would be nice to be able to bulk-score (bulk-edit) the score of a series of features to avoid having to enter the same stuff over and over.
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 11 Unlikely to implement

Ability to lock rows on reports/roadmaps

We have a dashboard that shows our roadmap and some other KPI reports -- our roadmap is long, so individuals need to scroll to see all roadmap rows in this dashboard view. Would be nice if we could lock the row which shows the roadmap dates for th...
Danielle A about 3 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Prefix look-up

What is the challenge? People often have an Epic or initiative reference number, but don't know the workspace name to request access. It would be helpful to have a prefix look-up tool with the Product look-up tool What is the impact? Users need th...
Mike Jacobson 8 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Proposing a transition from IP-based to token-based API rate limiting

Who would benefit? I am writing on behalf of Unito, a platform dedicated to enabling seamless two-way synchronization between various software tools. We are actively working on expanding our integrations and are enthusiastic about incorporating th...
Guest 12 months ago in API 0 Future consideration

Allow Workspace templates to inherit layouts from product line

Who would benefit? Anyone who wants to use a workspace template for things like automation, but wants to use product line inheritance for layout configuration. Our automations are able to improve data quality and reduce administrative overhead for...
Dale Crane over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to add PO functions to a Custom Role

We have recently implemented Custom Roles in our space that bumped the PO role to Contributor + Custom (eliminating the ability to add new product and granting paid seat access, etc - see attached) We would like the ability to change some of the t...
Marina Reyna about 5 years ago in Account settings 8 Future consideration

Add ability to report on named range value

Who would benefit? Teams using capacity planning for teams, planning with named ranges (e.g. t-shirt sizes) What impact would it make? Today, I am only able to report on the specific estimate associated with a record, not the named range value tha...
Reilly O'Connor 12 months ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

Reduce duplicate Rows in Reports: Aggregate/merge related data in a cell (in a pivot report or hierarchy report)

Overview - Reports contain multiple rows with instances of the Primary Record Type as soon as you add a column from a "Related Object" that has multiple values, making it hard to visually consume the data. Problem - In List Reports we see the valu...
Guest about 5 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration