We have a dashboard that shows our roadmap and some other KPI reports -- our roadmap is long, so individuals need to scroll to see all roadmap rows in this dashboard view. Would be nice if we could lock the row which shows the roadmap dates for this dashboard for when individuals are scrolling.
We have 3 areas that would benefit enormously from having sticky headers in reports:
Need to be able to see pivot table headers whilst scrolling the pivot in a dashboard
When scrolling in pivot report, the headers stay in place at the top with the data scrolling beneath it. Put that same pivot in a dashboard and the panel scrolls rather than the pivot table and so the header disappears. When viewing a table with several numerical columns it becomes impossible to remember which column is which.
Need to be able to see the swimlane header in a pivot report
When 'use swimlane for first row headers' is applied, that swimlane header needs to remain static until scrolling arrives at the next header which should then push the row above up off the view.
In the hierarchy report, each column's value needs to be visible whilst scrolling.
At the moment, records are placed in the centre vertical alignment of its column. When that record is a parent to lots of children which each have their own children, the grandparent is only visible for a small number of grandchild records. Sticky columns for scrolling would help this enormously.
Great idea, painful at the moment