We like the report view that shows all the release milestones on a timeline. It would be great if shipped milestones showed the green tick mark like they do in the Portfolio view.
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Ability to suppress Product Line level custom fields from products
We have some custom fields that we want only to appear at the Product Line level, specifically for Master Releases and PL Initiatives. We'd like a way for them not to appear in Product Initiatives or Releases. As it stands now we just need to inst...
Stories that are pushed to Rally from the Aha Parking Lot are creating a release in Rally titled Parking Lot. I would like to see these user stories not be assigned to a release in Rally, that way they will be be displayed on the backlog.
Jason Day
over 6 years ago
in Rally
Already exists
Update Jira integration when Jira custom fields were added
It looks like if you add a custom field in JIRA, Aha will not recognize it unless you delete the integration and add a new one, which means you need to relink everything.
You should be able to go through the integration UI and add new field mappi...
Christian Stark
over 6 years ago
in Jira
Already exists
Currently it is not possible to add comments and send to project members at the release level. A classic example would be "I have updated the release date for this release to push back by a week". It is not appropriate to add this comment to a spe...
I want to add a multi-select custom field to the ideas portal but I can't currently do so. We use the Ideas Portal as a mechanism for internal people to request new features they need for client implementations and need a multiselect so they can c...
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
In Aha! Reporting, we can currently sort the whole report based on only first column, it would be very helpful to sort the whole report based on any selected column by the viewer.
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Why did my ability to see Ideas in a list disappear?
As of today, I can't view ideas in a list any longer. I went into customize navigation (thinking it might be an org change), but I don't see it as an option on that page either. Why would I as an administrator not be notified when changes are made...
I've more recently started using the notes feature in a product/product line, but the organization of the notes is entirely based on the order in which they were input. I'd like to have the ability to create folders for notes and to be able to reo...