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Better filtering by product/workspace in the ideas portal

I just noticed that when you have a multiple-product portal, the filtering by product does not affect the filter status count. However, when you use the search text field, it does filter status and product/category counts. See attached screenshots...
Stephanie Redl over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Graphing of goal and initiative relationships

While several of the analytics tools (pivots, hierarchies, diagrams, etc.) can show the relationship between goals and initiatives, there is redundancy and the result is often rather busy. I would love to be able to generate a simple hierarchical ...
Guest about 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

As a Product Owner, I need a Strategy Roadmap that shows Initiatives in the Gantt Chart with linked Features beneath each Initiative in the Chart, so I can see where each feature fits within the duration of each Initiative

Each Initiative has features linked to it. As I present the features that we have planned for each initiative I need to be able to show that the feature work will fit within the planned initiative timeframe. Also, when I describe each initiative, ...
Randon Morford almost 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Be able to change the color icon associated with each release

Similar to initiatives would like the ability to change the color of release. The color can be used as key to group things together on the reports
Pratishtha Dixit almost 4 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Allow portal users to reply to idea submission confirmation emails

Allow users to reply to the confirmation email sent after submitting a new idea to the ideas portal. Today users can respond to other idea notification emails to add a comment to the ideas, but the initial confirmation email does not follow that b...
Austin Merritt almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Offline working

Probably technically a nightmare but it would be amazing if I could work offline and sync updates when I get back online (as I become more dependent on AHA - those moments in the middle of nowhere on a train or on planes etc are where I want to be...
Andy Darrant over 9 years ago in Application 4 Unlikely to implement

Automation rules support for "no value" (or "empty")

I'd like to see an option for an automation trigger that is based on "no value" (or "empty") for a field value. Practically, this would allow me to create an automation so an email is sent if a feature is created/updated to have no epic.
David I. over 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Ability to Move Legend to the Top of the Report

Please give us the ability to move up the legend (when coloring) For longer reports, it's a difficult user experience to understand the coloring until you scroll all the way to the bottom. Other reporting tools allow you to move the legend to the ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

JIRA Integration - Allow Changing Board

We recently had to migrate JIRA tenant to another existing one (as the result of an acquisition). Whilst I was able to just change the server address and the integration URLs pointed to the correct location of the migrated issues, the board used f...
Jonathan Shaw over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Make more tabs in drawer more obvious

When looking at a record with the drawer open, I thought there were only 4 tabs. Idea: Make more tabs more obvious
Chrissi McNamara over 2 years ago in Application / Features 0 Future consideration