Who would benefit? End users accessing Ideas Portal. Customers showing only relevant ideas to end users. What impact would it make? It makes the users accessing the Ideas portal with ease. How should it work? Problem: we have 20+ products and the ...
Raghuraman Rajendran
about 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
I would like to be able to create automation linked to "to do" or "approval" tasks. There's two use cases for us. First, I'd like to automatically change the status of a feature or epic once all to dos are completed or all approval replied in the ...
Dael Jackson
about 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Support custom fields on portal users both for regular and sso login
We need to track several pieces of metadata about a user to effectively understand their request. This metadata is intrinsically associated with the user and cannot change from idea to idea. This includes things like the user's role in our custom ...
over 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Add Salesforce integration to Salesforce custom objects.
We use custom objects in our Salesforce org to track things like feature requests, bugs and other system support related issues. Allowing us to integrate Aha to a custom object would allow us to use the Aha integration with our existing org struct...
almost 10 years ago
in Salesforce
Future consideration
Provide the URL in the Export from "shared as webpage" tab in Shared reports and documents
What is the challenge? For auditing purposes, we need the URL of the shared webpage. What is the impact? Will allow stakeholders to review webpages from a security perspective and potentially disable reports that share proprietary information. Des...
3 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
PRFAQ from Amazon's Working backwards - Aha template
What is the challenge? Have to link to word for our PRFAQs What is the impact? Leaving Aha, can't search it Describe your idea Have a template for PRFAQ's
3 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Control who can share reports and who they can share views with internally
What is the challenge? Currently, if you have access to a workspace you can share a report with that workspace. Meaning, everyone in that workspace can see your saved report. What is the impact? Concerns this could get out of hand for a larger cus...
Chris Quigley
6 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Assign hourly cost to people within a capacity planning team
What is the challenge? Currently, you can set an hourly cost for a capacity planning team. This is used to automatically calculate the cost of using the team when you convert your advanced initial estimates to costs. People within a team do not al...
Chris Quigley
6 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
We would like to be able do our own troubleshooting as needed and periodically check to see if there are any issues with the in-app widgets. Please show an error to the user instead of failing silently. Also provide error logs for the widgets simi...
Kelly Sebes
6 months ago
Future consideration