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Add automations for to-do and approvals

I would like to be able to create automation linked to "to do" or "approval" tasks. There's two use cases for us. First, I'd like to automatically change the status of a feature or epic once all to dos are completed or all approval replied in the affirmative. The other is that I'd like an email notification for changes for approval rejections or approval with changes . We're creating them by automations and not all the features are assigned to me so it's hard to know when something is approved.

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    • Cheryl Hatos
      Sep 9, 2024

      I specifically need the ability to assign users automatically to the to-do based on a custom field.

    1 MERGED

    Add automations for to-dos

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    Nerissa Muijs about 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration
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