Who would benefit? Target audiences What impact would it make? Ability to include roadmap in dashboards for leadership and customers. How should it work? In Dashboards, "Add panel" > "Choose existing report" > "Choose a saved view" From repo...
Stephanie Redl
about 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
IT would be great to have custom field support for to-dos. We use the to do to priortise the tasks between the team, if we had a custom field, this would make sorting and reporting easier.
A Comments field against to dos would also be really hel...
Customize record cards -- this needs to be available for cards in whiteboard as well
Who would benefit? All Aha White board users What impact would it make? alleviate pain of going back and forth to look at ranking or priotization or other details How should it work? All the information in Customize record cards in at workspace le...
Product teams are commonly measured on providing a predictable delivery of features for a planned release and need to report on change metrics such as the number of Features added to a release after the release has been approved for development an...
Allow custom worksheet fields to populate without clicking on field in each record
I created a custom worksheet field for my features, and every row in my worksheet contained formulas that were derived from other fields. The formulas in my worksheet only produce values after I manually click on the worksheet field in every recor...
Spencer Abrams
almost 5 years ago
in Application
The ability to use the same filter more than once in advanced filters
It would be great to have the ability to use the same filter more than once when using advanced filter logic.
For example:I want to filter a set of features that all have the tag “Dashboard” but then a subgroup that DON’T have the tag “Admin”.
Jessica Groff
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Allow users to customize cards in the Now, Next, Later Roadmap view
Who would benefit? Anyone using Now, Next, Later Roadmap What impact would it make? It would allow users to add more details to the Now, Next, Later view such estimated delivery date, confidence, etc. How should it work? Should be very similar to ...