IT would be great to have custom field support for to-dos. We use the to do to priortise the tasks between the team, if we had a custom field, this would make sorting and reporting easier.
A Comments field against to dos would also be really helpful
You can now create custom layouts for to-dos, and set unique layouts for to-dos, approvals, and work requests in workspace settings.
Thanks for adding this functionality!
Does it retain all the permissions of to-dos, as in: will reviewers still be able to add/update all the content as before?
Thank you for realizing this - very helpful!
Love it! This capability is very valuable!
To echo the reasons provided in the original request and many of the comments, having the ability to customize the To-do and add more fields to it will provide improved visibility to progress through better reporting. As one example, we would like a field for time frame in addition to the due date to view progress by quarters. It will give us the flexibility to provide our team leaders the tools they need to help their teams execute, and provide it where the data lives. Otherwise, they are having to resort to Excel spreadsheets.
I fully support this idea. Some of the key implied values with Aha are "efficiency", "connected", "logical", "purposeful". Having a static (dumb?) list of to-do's doesn't align. It'd be great to easily filter/prioritize to-do's and possibly link as necessary. I like the 'my work' area for it's privacy, but I'd still like to privately link some of my to-dos to initiatives, etc.
This will really help streamlining our to do's with our workflow
Really need this feature.
Much needed feature!
Product management is all about shepherding and for shepherding to-do's are key. Custom fields to group to-do's or label them as part of a bucket such as Ideation, research, planning, review etc. is extremely key.
Most definitely a vote for this one - custom fields are really useful and they would make To-do's super flexible.
Be very helpful for reporting as we have different types of to-dos and being able to create reports that are associated with specific processes would help us in managing these work queues and figure out what is and is not working.
I am reaching out to you to help me take one more step from having to use excel as an additional tool to manage Product Readiness. The ability to track all the of the Product Readiness task with each feature and then be able to tie that to the release dates to ensure / track how the tasks are doing in relation to the release of the feature/Epic. As we all know there is nothing worse than having completed code but someone forget to ensure the contracts were updated or schedule the implementation of a new GL so that we could get paid for this new feature. Please oh Please, do not make me use Excel for this task. I am sure I can find a way to use the Project Manager workspace, but it seems a lot easier to define the task within the feature itself. Thank you and if you know of another way to easily manage this with Aha!, I am open to all options.
Thank you
Yes please! We'd like to be able to assign a name to the to-do even if that person is not an aha user. Our workaround is to include the name at the beginning of the description fields with a delimiter after it, then after exporting the to-do list to excel, doing 'text to columns' to split out the name to a new column so we can sort it. But it would be nice to have custom fields so that we can use broader Aha functionality with that non-Aha user assignee custom field.
I think this would be great because our to-do's under release phases represent our PDLC steps, and with custom fields for to-do's we can align them and visualize them better
Would be a great enhancement so that environment check boxes can be added. E.g Sandbox, Test, Production.
Being able to customise the to-do layout will go a long way in managing to-dos in a program. For example, during planning, we would identify a number of to-dos that will need to be accomplished throughout a program and so we should be able to specify the start dates of to-dos so that the pivot report can be better depicted.
In addition, it would be great to be able to link to-dos in a requirement to display dependencies at this level!
We're implementing process changes that leverage to-do functionality, and this feature would greatly help.
For example, since custom fields are not available we're thinking of creating "dummy" users so that we can report and filter to-dos in ways that make sense. In essence we may have multiple to-do's assigned to "Marketing User" so that teams are able to filter tasks that require something from our Marketing team.
That's just one simple example, but having custom fields in to-do's would really make it robust to support a lot of business processes to support feature development and readiness.
Comments is a temporary approach but to-do comments are not a filterable field in reports. I would like the custom field to be able to add a Source of the to-do to track and report ones created from our company program or portfolio reviews to summarized follow-up and progress.
Custom fields for To-Dos would need to be an available field for report filters please.
Bump bump.
Currently using 'to-do's to track tasks against epics, kind of like phases and milestones but against epics not releases (in our releases we have multiple epics and each epic has specific phases and milestones which are more granular then the release level.
To help schedule activities i want to set 'to-do's' with a start date (currently only can add end date). Ability to add custom fields to 'to-do's; would solve this problem for me.