Don't show master feature name when stories from same master feature are next to each other
I was really excited to see this update: However, I turned on the feature to show master features and immediately turned it off, and went back to my old way of just showing the epic name o...
Angela Wong
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Add the Idea Categories as an option to show on the Features form
Because the Idea Category isn't pulling forward, we are using Initiatives to basically recreate Categories. It would be a whole lot better to use the Idea Categories and use Initiatives for what they are intended for.
over 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Of all posible views in Aha! I use a number (5 or 6) daily to keep on track. I manage this now by the favorites in my browser, but that is computer dependent. It should be nice if there was a new menu on top: "My views". With the views / URLS I ad...
over 6 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
There is a lot of flexibility with the user permission settings. As an administrator it would be nice if I could impersonate a user to identify possible issues. This feature is found in other applications in the market.
over 10 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Bulk Delete Phases to Release/ Change Phase Template of Releases
I would like to bulk delete the phases under releases. The current process of deleting phases is time consuming as we have to delete one phase at a time. It would be best to have bulk delete option for release. We have experienced a lot of difficu...
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
In our organization we often times create hierarchy reports that show the product release, product master feature, and product feature.
We typically want to apply the same filter to all three: specifying the same product name and release name.
Michael Faust
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Report on when Paid Seat users used a Paid Seat feature
The Last Active time for a user just tells us when someone last logged-on ( I think). To ensure our limited pool of paid seats is being used to greatest effect it would be good to get a report (CSV?) of when they last used a feature which needed a...
Keith Mantell
over 4 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Automatically send feature(s) to integrated system
As a product manager I want to have a feature I just created be automatically created in my integrated system, such as Jira.
Adding a check box in the integration configuration for "Automatically send issue to integrated system" would be an easy w...
over 6 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
We manage the product through Aha! and the priority of features with Aha! Score. Product management can be easier and more efficient with an option to inform developers about priorities directly from Aha! to JIRA (We use JIRA Standard and Agile in...
almost 10 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
The new user story mapping is a great added feature. the user experience is a little off vs. the rest of Aha though. * Is there any way to add customization of the cards* Should be able to not show completed releases or features in the add existin...
Steve Podzamsky
over 5 years ago
in User story map
Unlikely to implement