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Don't show master feature name when stories from same master feature are next to each other

I was really excited to see this update:

However, I turned on the feature to show master features and immediately turned it off, and went back to my old way of just showing the epic name on the story cards.

It adds too much vertical height which is already limited in Aha (the top of the story and epic views take up too much valuable screen real estate) and the cards feel disconnected from each other. Stories that happen to be next to each other that are in the same epic should have one epic name listed and be grouped together. JIRA does something similar if you include subtasks next to each other on a sprint or Kanban board. The subtasks are enclosed in the same gray box that encloses the consecutive subtasks in the same user story.

Also I don't necessarily want all stories in the same epic to automatically be next to each other in a release column. I might have my reasons for not having stories from the same epic grouped together. For example, sometimes I place stories at the top of the release as an FYI to myself there is an action item on it, or I put all of my "will not implement" stories at the bottom of the release so they don't distract me from the ones that need work.

    Mar 3, 2025

    Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time.

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    • Alexander Zakharov
      Mar 17, 2021

      couldn't agree more. As a new user to Aha! I can say this is a big minus, which could be easily eliminated

    • Guest
      Sep 14, 2019

      I could not agree more with the desire to be able to group all of the features associated with the same master feature together under a small card showing the name of the master feature. This was the biggest and more immediate deficit I saw in master features when I turned them on. 


      The way I would most want to be able to move master features & features around between epics is the way that Product Board visualizes this and enables this. I'm not recommending ProductBoard, because I believe Aha is far more powerful and we're generally happy with our switch to Aha, but in this specific context, I would love to see Aha implement a similar view between Master Features, Features, and Releases. (Screenshot attached)

    • Guest
      May 8, 2019

      This is exactly what I am looking for.

      I wish to group together the features under the master feature they belong to in a release without having the name of that master feature above every card.

    • David Vins
      Jan 10, 2019

      Ditto per above.

    • Marc Robinson
      Dec 5, 2018

      I agree with Mark Evans, although you can add the MBI to each feature card,  the grouping of features within the same master feature when they follow in priority would improve the interface considerably. I don't think I will be using this otherwise.

    • Mark Evans
      Dec 4, 2018

      We had exactly the same thoughts and also ruled out the use of this feature initially for the same reason. It would be great if stories that are part of the same master-feature are grouped only when next to others in the same release... so in effect you could have a single group if all consecutive, multiple groups if interleaved with other features of higher priority or separate if not next to other features which belong to the same master-feature at all

    • Angela Wong
      Nov 30, 2018

      To clarify, it would be great if there was a one-time action to automatically group stories from the same epic in the same release together so I don't have to manually find all of the stories move them together. However I think it should be a one-time action so I can choose to not have my stories grouped together for the aforementioned reasons.