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Allow a Feature (epic) in Aha! to have Requirements (stories) that live in a different Jira project

The use case is that we create features in Aha! and sync them to Jira as epics. The development team will then break the epics down further into stories in the appropriate Jira projects for the teams that need to work on them. In Jira, these stories are linked to the original epic, but they are not being synced over to Aha as requirements.

Release time frame 1 month
    Feb 27, 2019

    Features are sometimes moved from one project to another in your development system by the engineering team. Now with our Jira and Rally integrations you can ensure they remain up to date no matter what project they end up in. This includes having parent records in one project while their children are moved to another.

    Check out the blog post to learn more.

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    • Arturo Orjuela
      Jan 29, 2019

      This should also solve the following issue in VSTS (Azure DevOps): When interfacing Features between Aha with VSTS, the children of those features live in various area paths of VSTS. I would like that Aha is able to track the child requirements, it does not matter if they are in another area path. 

      This is already the case for parent relationships (the parent features of a requirement are imported, it does not matter if the features reside in another area path)

    • Barry Mattingly
      Jul 10, 2018

      This would be highly desirable - in my case (IntelliCloud Business Continuity, aka DRaaS and BaaS), I am highly dependent on delivery of features/epics from multiple Jira projects. Linking across multiple Jira projects from a single Feature in Aha will prevent confusion and make tracking much easier.

    • Guest
      Jun 18, 2018

      It is a tremendous amount of work in Aha to duplicate Features when we limit Features and Requirements to be against a single Jira project as part of the integration.  Version 1 of the integration used to allow Features to have Requirements coming from different Jira projects, version 2 of the integration removed this capability.