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Add support for linking to multiple different JIRA issue types

We would like to roadmap product releases with new up-coming features and bug fixes. Aha features currently map to Jira stories but we'd like to map to Jira 'Bug' and possibly 'Improvement' types as well.

Release time frame 1 month
    Aug 22, 2018

    Feature → user story? Feature → bug? You should not have to choose. Now you can map record types in Aha! to multiple records types in your dev system.

    See how to configure this new integration capability.

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    • Guest
      Aug 22, 2018

      Thanks Austin, great news - plan to read the latest & integrate

    • Guest
      Jun 13, 2018

      Our organization consists of multiple product engineering groups who have a need to log Jira Issues as Infrastructure and/or Bugs related to Product Features.  It disrupts teams understanding of Jira Issues when all Jira Issues have to be logged as one Jira Issue type, 'story' in order to integrate with an Aha! Product Plan.   

      Please advise of launch date for Aha! to allow for sending multiple mappings of requirements to multiple issue types within a SINGLE integration. 

    • Project Parker
      Mar 30, 2018

      With the addition of configuring workflows at all three levels (Master Feature, Feature & Requirement) it means that if you use requirement level to integrate with JIRA issue types below epic you cannot create an integration which will successfully integrate with more than just one issue type.

      For example, in one company setup, Master Feature = Feature., Feature = Epic and Requirement = Story.

      The JIRA integration integrates Epic with Epic and Story with Story.

      If an epic contains a story, a defect, and a task, there is no way to successfully send this from Aha to JIRA.

      Aha recognises requirement level to have various types. Unfortunately Aha have not made 'type' visible at requirement level so it cannot represent multiple issue types just yet.

      Aha need to make 'type' visible at requirement level, and then make the integration work so that you can use the "Type" field to associate with an issue type in JIRA. The integration can then create the correct issue type is JIRA corresponding to the 'type' field used Aha.

      Even if the issue type 'story' were created at "Feature" level in Aha, and Epics in JIRA were created at Master Feature Level in Aha, whilst "type" is exposed at Feature level in Aha, the integration still does not understand to use "Type" to create the correct issue type in JIRA.

      Ultimately, it will be good if you use the same interface to configure "status" type mappings, to then have a similar one for "Type" which then allows you to map the Aha type to a JIRA issue type.

      As part of this, please reveal and make workable with the Aha user interface, the field "type" for requirement record.

    • Guest
      Jan 2, 2017

      Hopefully with the ability to map Custom Feature Types in Aha with Issue Types in JIRA.

    • Todd Gibson
      May 3, 2016

      This would be a huge benefit for our company as well as currently we're not able to include a critical process in Aha due to this

    • Oliver Kawwass
      Feb 19, 2016

      Our company would benefit greatly from this as well, and it would allow several new teams to start using Aha.

    • +1
    11 MERGED

    Ability to sync Aha Feature Type with JIRA Ticket Type, while supporting multiple workflows

    I would like to sync the Aha Feature type (new, improvement, bug, etc.) to the appropriate JIRA ticket type (requirements, bug, new, improvement, etc.) and support for different workflows based on those ticket types
    Shawn Pons over 7 years ago in Features 0 Shipped