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Add the Idea Categories as an option to show on the Features form

Because the Idea Category isn't pulling forward, we are using Initiatives to basically recreate Categories. It would be a whole lot better to use the Idea Categories and use Initiatives for what they are intended for.

    Nov 19, 2016

    Thank you for the request. Many of our customers use is to leverage the Tags field to classify ideas and features. When promoting ideas to features, the tags field remains intact so that you can pass this information along. This would allow you to continue to use the Initiatives field as a strategic item.

    At this time, we do not have plans for updates in this area. However, we hope that this workaround can help.

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    • Guest
      Sep 22, 2022

      Agree with feedback below. Categories is a static managed list where tags is custom all the time and can get out of control easily. We are looking for a way to view our ideas in relation to the features and epics and also use the same static list in Jira so we can surface reporting at a full platform level to show business units the work that is in the idea funnel, vs planned vs in development vs tickets/bugs that have been opened against it

    • Guest
      Jul 27, 2020

      We need to be able to carry all/most of the fields from ideas into features. We are currently using the categories field to determine which areas of the platform the idea/feature relates to so we are now unable to see this information when an idea is promoted to a feature.

    • Jason Hollis
      Jun 22, 2020

      Thanks to Mark in support for responding to the support email. Always a champion! Posting here as suggested.

      As a product manager I get to add 'unlikely to implement' a lot :) however on this occasion I just wanted to question the thinking from the Aha team as the response not to add this didn't ring true in terms of reasoning and workaround - no offence to the Aha team meant at all !!

      Our business is possibly unique. We have a lot of products (that's not so unique) however our product modules also split off into their own apps. eg Invoicing and timesheets are modules of our accounting app, but also available as apps on their own (web and mobile). Having these all as separate products isn't necessary (and it's also very messy and complex to do so in roadmapping software) as they are all driven from the same code base, however we needed an easier way to classify the ideas as they really should be, and are, seen as products to the user.

      OK.. so it was 2am last Saturday night (Sunday morning), and I'd set up our first product with idea categories, and used Aha's fantastic bulk edit to move all 600+ ideas to the correct categories. I then went to add 'categories' to our feature card. Why? Because we want to use the same categories to filter our Aha reports, and I even set up the categories so we could better filter in Jira withe the Aha > Jira integration. But.. could I find how to do this? Nup. So I searched help. Nothing. Then found this idea. #sadface

      What I don't understand I guess, is that this field (object) already exists, so it would seem fairly simple (yep I know nothing about the Aha backend) to flush this through all of the layouts. I am very much against double-handling, and as the category has already been added once.. having to manually add it again as a tag (as suggested) just goes against every fibre of my being. We all know admin for a PO / PM is something they would rather not do, so making it even harder for my guys / girls isn't exactly a selling point.

      Secondly, we use tags like we developed them ourselves.. a way to add meaningful context that is unique to the user. Categories for us aren't unique.. they exist from idea to feature, so adding them as tags (which we already use for much less specific categorisation) isn't optimal.

      So there you have it.. I have declared that this is not much work, and makes complete sense - over to you guys to rebuff :)



    • Guest
      Jul 3, 2019

      I dont understand why all fields arent available in all layouts.  Dont know why the category field cant be pulled into the feature when promoted.  

    • Florian Kette
      Apr 12, 2018

      As an administrator use categories in ideas to let the requestor do the work on tagging the related sub product/component, I want to achieve that during promoting the idea to a feature, to automatically take over the value (sub product) in a (custom) field to display it on feature board in the feature cards and details page, in order to prevent manual efforts and mistakes, keeping/displaying redundant information and saving time.