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Categories Features
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 29, 2015

Add a "Views" category for Ideas

The "views" ('saved' and 'shared') are very useful, and there are a variety of ways to improve and enhance them. It would be good to have a separate 'ideas' category for 'views' instead of having to stick them all under "Features" (which is getting a little bloated with ideas that span a wide range).

    Jul 22, 2022

    You are able to customize your Ideas portal categories. See the last section of Create a submit only, private, or public portal.

    Configure idea categories

    Use Idea categories to organize your ideas. They allow your users to specify what category their idea belongs to and allows other users to browse through the categories.

    Categories are configured per product under Settings -> Product -> Configure idea categories.

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    • Guest
      Aug 6, 2015

      This category does not exist on the Aha ideas portal. 

    • Guest
      Jul 7, 2015

      Yes - a new category for your ideas portal, not for ours.

    • Suzanne Vaughan
      Jul 7, 2015

      Derek -- are you asking us to add a new category for our Ideas portal?