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Bulk Delete Phases to Release/ Change Phase Template of Releases

I would like to bulk delete the phases under releases. The current process of deleting phases is time consuming as we have to delete one phase at a time. It would be best to have bulk delete option for release. We have experienced a lot of difficulty as all of our releases were tagged with common phases template which was not intended steps for but after the selection of common phase template all the releases have close to 20 phases and it is time incentive to delete manually one after the other. Alternative could be an option to change a phase template for a release which I do not see currently.

    Sep 19, 2018

    As described, the Release template only applies to newly created releases. One potential workaround would be to add a new release, move your features to the newly created release (with your new release template), and remove the old release. Bulk edit could be used for moving the features.

    Based on current priorities and the workaround noted above, we are unlikely to make updates in this area. We hope you can understand.

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    • Guest
      Aug 13, 2019

      I'd also like this feature- hugely time consuming to delete 7 things (and confirm delete) each time for small releases that only have 1 component

    • Natasha Venter
      Jan 23, 2019

      we should have the ability to change the release phase template to releases that have already been created ... sometimes you create releases in advance and the release phases change

    3 MERGED

    Ability to mass delete phases

    We have a template that we use for each release. There are predefined phases that we must consider for a release but often times many do not apply. It's a LOT of clicking to delete the phases that are not relevant. Ability to select a few and dele...
    Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement