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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Jira
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 7, 2018

Automatically send feature(s) to integrated system

As a product manager I want to have a feature I just created be automatically created in my integrated system, such as Jira.

Adding a check box in the integration configuration for "Automatically send issue to integrated system" would be an easy way of handling this. Aha! should know if there are multiple integrations for a product and only allow for one to be configured to automatically send the feature.

    Aug 8, 2018

    Thank you for your idea. Integrations are designed intentionally to require you to select when a new record should be sent. This is to prevent the record from accidentally being sent to engineering before you are ready. There are ways to send in bulk, either by sending a parent record (like a release or master feature) or using bulk edit in the features list.

    Given the explanation above, we are unlikely to implement this idea at this time. We hope you can understand.

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  • Justin Fox
    Sep 10, 2021

    Hopeing to bring this discussion back up a bit. At a minimum, Aha should allow the user the option to automatically send features to Jira. The integration with Jira allows for automatic import of issues created in Jira to Aha. So this drives me to actually create issues in Jira instead of working out of Aha.

  • Ryan Johnson
    Nov 19, 2020

    +1, there are purely agile areas that want to have items automatically drive into the lower system

  • Guest
    Apr 16, 2020

    Agreed. This admin response with all due respect seems silly. If you wanted to ensure it is scoped properly before sending to engineering, you could still solve this with automation. Perhaps by setting up a status "Ready for engineering" and when it hits this status it then send to integration. Having part of someones job role to "make sure all features are manually pushed to integration" seems silly when trying to streamline process and project management.

  • linda boone
    Jul 26, 2019

    This has been a huge issue for us as well and we are disappointed that this has to be a manual task every time.  Users should at least have the option to send automatically or not.  Lot of time wasted manually clicking every single one.  

  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2018

    With the industry heading towards more automation the decision to keep manual steps in the product will hurt the product in the long run.


Sending features to rally automatically

Currently, when I create a new feature in Aha, I need to click Integration in feature and Send to rally manually. Instead, we need an automation way. When we create a feature or change the status of a feature to a specific state, features should b...
Guest about 2 years ago in Rally 0 Unlikely to implement