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Ability to add idea overview graphs to a notebook

There is currently the ability to add the chart view to a notebook, but not to add the graphs that are presented in ideas>overview. Please add the ability to put those into a notebook. Thanks!
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Assign me to activities and to-dos automatically

Whenever I create a new activity, or a to-do within that activity, it defaults to "unassigned". We found that for our workspace, it can only set a default assignee across all projects. We would like to be able to set defaults at more granular leve...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 4 Shipped

Shipping a release should ship the features attached

When creating a release, features are "attached" to the release. When the work is complete, shipping the release should automatically update the features to a status of Shipped instead of requiring someone to update each feature and the release.
Melina Barreca almost 9 years ago in Features 3 Shipped

Master Features Card

The Master Feature card does not have a field for Features similar to how the Feature card has a field for Requirements – please can you add one?
Wes Gillette almost 8 years ago in  1 Shipped

Auto-generate JSON backups for Enterprise+ customers

It would be ideal to have a backup auto-generated every 24 hours, and a way for us to pull it automatically, so we can store it locally.
Guest almost 9 years ago in  5 Shipped

Limit the content from some elements in a notebook

When adding bits such as Features to a notebook, often times there is a lot more info in the notebook than I would like. If the notebook is going to be seen by an executive, for example, I don't want to get questions about what a "watcher" or a "t...
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 5 Shipped

API support to get all votes by date

Currently the API for votes can only return data one idea at a time. It would be much more efficient if I could retrieve all votes for all ideas based on the vote date.
Kelly Sebes almost 2 years ago in API / Ideas 0 Shipped

View/edit Feature rank in Initiative view

Today on the Initiatives page, when you click on an Initiative to see its Features, the Features are listed alphabetically. It would be better if they were shown in Feature Rank order to easily confirm the prioritization of Features for an Initiat...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

make Status Category a column that I can add to views, and allow me to customize the values

I've been creating a number of different Feature views and adding them to Notebooks for cross-functional stakeholders to view (Sales, Marketing etc.). While it's great that I've customized the workflow status values for PM & Engineering, this ...
Steven Kaplan almost 9 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Use Idea "Portal Title" field as the browser tab name for the Ideas Portal

It's a minor point for sure, but I've noted as I'm rolling out ideas portal first internally to employees only that our ideal portal (which will forever be separate from customer portals) has a tab title of "%CompanyName% Customer Feedback" and th...
Dan Molloy almost 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped