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Turn off Aha Enhancement Broadcasts

Is it possible to turn off the Aha pushed broadcasts to our account? Let me explain why. Over the past couple of years, we have had customization admins accidentally make account level changes that impact the entire account. It causes a tremendous...
Marina Reyna over 5 years ago in Application 14 Shipped

Bulk edit epic date range calculation

Currently when you bulk edit epics from a list report there is no option to update the calculation method for the date range. This does exist for features so it seems like it should exist for epics too.
Biplab Panda about 2 months ago in Features 0 Shipped

Grammarly should work in AHa!

Allow Grammarly to correct spelling and grammar while editing text in Aha! dialog boxes. [It appears they do but alas the changes Grammarly makes are never completed]
Guest over 4 years ago in Application 18 Shipped

Ability to send private comments to idea submitter

Currently, there is no way to respond to an idea submitter privately via comments as an administrator. Additionally, it would be helpful if this private comment could trigger a notification to the submitter.
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

Allow integrations such as Jira at the Product Line level

Integrations may be common across products within the same product line. It would save time and the possibility to make setup mistakes if these integrations can be setup one level higher
Steve C over 2 years ago in Jira 9 Shipped
109 VOTE

Release Gantt with rows/phases that can be ordered for a better visual layout

A release gantt sorts its rows by phase date i.e., phases with earliest starting date are on top, and later start dates at the bottom. This makes visualization for a project with many different departmental tasks difficult and cumbersome. E.g., in...
joost boerhout almost 9 years ago in Releases 21 Shipped

Allow filtering history search results by field type

What is the challenge? It is often desirable to see all of the changes for a particular field on a record. When viewing history for a record with lots of changes, changes to just one field might be buried dozens of pages deep in the history. How w...
Chris Waters 10 months ago in Application 0 Shipped
127 VOTE

Week beginning Monday option

Week beginning Sunday is confusing for the non-US market
Guest over 10 years ago in Account settings 22 Shipped
111 VOTE

Ability to link features/requirements to existing VSO work items

Current VSO/TFS integration only allow to submit a feature/requirement from Aha! to TFS/VSOAn option to link a feature/requirement with an existing TFS/VSO work item would be helpful
Guest about 9 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 23 Shipped

Display attachments on Knowledge documents shared with guests or in a Knowledge Base

Who would benefit? Users accessing Knowledge documents shared with them via Guest Access or in a Knowledge Base. What impact would it make? There is no way for users accessing these documents currently to see any attachments added to the original ...
Maria Plotkina about 1 year ago in Notes 1 Shipped