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Showing 1415

Have the ability to promote an idea to a to-do

Rather than create an empty feature, is there a way that when we promote an idea, can it have a to-do (automatically) created and assigned. We're finding it hard to track tickets where the feature is assigned to one person, but there are no to-dos...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Multiple views of personas depending on audience

Working with marketing on a campaign is different from working with a front-line support team or development team. Each team may need to focus on particular aspects of a persona. It would be great if there was a way of filtering persona fields bas...
Garrett Coakley about 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Unlikely to implement

Facebook Aha! idea portal integration

We need to integrate an idea portal within Facebook. Our requirements are to allow visitors to the facebook page to be authenticated through SSO (after having logged into Facebook) in order to post product feedback. The idea portlet will be part o...
warren lester about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Add an RMS interface tool

We are using a Requirement management System (RMS) to document our clients business requirements. We would like to have a tool to interface the RMS (namely TopTeam) with Aha!, as Aha allows us to manage the roadmap before sending the details to Ji...
Guest about 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Have a link to to-do items when clicking on a profile picture

In addition to My Profile and Logout when clicking on a user's picture, provide a link to To-Do items to make them quick to get to. See the picture attached.
Guest about 8 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Capture justification for individual scores on system and custom Scorecards

With nearly a dozen Product Managers managing hundreds of features across dozens of releases per year, having a way to capture some notes or comments on a particular score within my scorecard can capture PM thoughts of value targeted towards a par...
Guest about 8 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Attachment in to-do

When there is an attachment in to-do and someone opens it, it opens on a whole screen and blocking description. So there is lots of unused space. Probably this window should be resizable.
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Idea Portals need a "Clear All" or other way to see all ideas after searching

Right now, if I search for something in my idea portals it is not obvious how to get back to the full list of ideas. The only method is by clicking on the Aha! logo. I've had it happen that when I log in the idea list is empty or truncated, I gues...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Auto-watch a feature when someone on my team is assigned to it

I haven't thought this out all the way, but with the new team structure, it's somewhat difficult to keep abreast of what people are getting assigned to. It'd be nice if there was a way for me to "watch" other users. For instance, a nice first step...
John Bohn about 8 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Add the linkage features to "To Dos" used with the Release Phases

Using the assigned To Do's to aid tracking of individual task status. Some To Do's require action in sequential order, are dependent upon completion of another individuals tasks. Having the "part of", dependent on, or even subset of linkage option...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement