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Facebook Aha! idea portal integration

We need to integrate an idea portal within Facebook. Our requirements are to allow visitors to the facebook page to be authenticated through SSO (after having logged into Facebook) in order to post product feedback. The idea portlet will be part of a larger customer focus group or beta program in order to facilitate discussion.


Ideally, we would use a private Facebook group for this, but understand there is a limitation on adding custom tabs to groups - rather than "pages". If it could work through a pinned group post, but still do the SSO, that would work for us.

    Nov 19, 2016

    Thank you for the request. One additional workaround you might consider is to create a private portal and only invite specific users (those in your Facebook group) to join the portal. This would allow you to keep it to the people in your group.

    At this time, we do not have plans for updates in this specific area based on current priorities. However, we hope that you may be able to leverage the suggested workaround.

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